Fine Art of Bondage – Beauty of Rope
One of the most comprehensive fine art photography books about bondage, shibari and kinbaku with about 300 big sized images. Letter size, 250 pages and 2.4 pounds (1.1kg) weight. Mindblowing images with international models, creative knots and heavy retouching of the photos. Available worldwide on amazon or in every online/real bookstore near you.
You can order or search for it everywhere with ISBN 9783946768012:
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Rod Meier Media Shop: Fine Art of Bondage – Beauty of Rope, Hardcover
Look inside the book – a lot of images…
Below you find about 100 images of the book. A really big gallery with more than a third of all pages..
About Fine Art of Bondage – Beauty of Rope
The collection “Beauty of Rope” are all bondage art images where the models are not nude. Rope around their bodies so there´s nothing to see means also that they are clothed..
This heavy photo art book is one of the biggest an most comprehensive bondage artworks on the market.
International models
It was really a pleasure to have such a lot of great models in front of the camera. Samantha Bentley/UK came from London, Eva Kisimova from Italy, Lola Burkhardt from Brazil (living near Augsburg/Germany) and Truth Burlington from the north of germany. Even an original german playmate has been tied for the images – Jessica R / “Wiesn Playmate 2015” (elected for the oktoberfest munich). some of the models have been totally new to in bondage photography – but they had a lot of fun, even when they were bound really hard. You´ll find an overview of some models here: Bondage Models .
Awesome knots – the chapters in the book
- Introduction by photographer Rod Meier
- 1 – Chair Bondage
Tied girls to chairs, stunning images with a chair with only 2 legs… - 2 – Wedding Bondage
Bondage in a wedding dress – for all bondage lovers with a romantic heart.. - 3 – Bondage Portraits
Portraits of girls with rope and nice, cool tied knots - 4 – Bamboo – Girls tied to bamboo poles
to get a more asian look, some girls are tied to bamboo tubes in different colors. - 5 – Rope harness
Rope harness overflow – really a lot of different rope harnesses - 6 – Tied in Costumes – nuns, schoolgirls, housemaids
Tied girls in costumes – nun, schoogirl, housemaid, slave girls. Perfect inspiration for your plays at home - 7 – Hard tied
The harder part – a little bit more torture, hogtied, blindfolded, unable to move – helpless girls in beautiful rope - 8 – Close ups
Some like it closer – so here you see the rope on the girls skin more closely. - 9 – Ropemarks
Especially for the ropemark lovers and to show you how hard some of the girls have been tied. - 10 – Preview Nudes and Rope
Yes, there´s more in the pipeline! “NUdes in Rope” will be the next Collection of the Fine Art of Bondage series. In this collection you´ll find all nude and bound girls. In the Chapter some preivew images what you´ll get! - 11 – Preview Couples and Rope
The third book will be about Couples and little bit more BDSM/Fetish. Boy/Girl or Girl/Girl images and rope. Still working on the images…
Image Overview
Here you´ll is the big overview what you´ll get with the book: